When I visited Málaga, I searched on Google Maps for some Second Hand stores in Málaga. The first address I found was “Madame Süsette y Señor Reina”. I entred the room and was in love with the store immediately. So lovely decorated and an amazing atmosphere. Of course I started talking with the owner – Susann/Madame Süsette and we had a lot of inspiring conversations. I visited her place several times, joined her tour through Málaga and I can’t put into words how happy I am to have met her! <3
To share some of the amazing vibes with you, I interviewed her while sitting on the stairs in her shop.
Who are you?
I am Susann. Almost 2 years ago I moved to Málaga because I love the city and I always wanted to live here. So I made the decision to change the location of my home – and of course also of my shop – from a small town in Germany to Malaga.
How did you get the idea to open a store, especially a second hand store?
I love the idea behind second hand and the contact to the costumers. Also that I can decorate the shop however I want. I love being creative!
What’s the difference between the shop in Calw and the shop in Málaga?
In Málaga are a lot of tourists, that means that my clientele changes from day to day, even though I have my regular costumers.
What do you like the most about your work?
Everything. The encountering of all the different people is something special. Also I love to see young people visiting my shop.
How do you choose the clothes you are selling?
I listen to my heart and if I feel good about a piece, I take it into my collection.
Do you have any plans for the future?
A few weeks ago I started offering tours on airbnb. We walk through the beautiful Málaga, visit small shops such as second hand and vintage stores. If we walk by a little shop that you want to visit, we can also do that. You will experience the city with different eyes.
What do you want to share with the readers?
Appreciate every single day with all it’s facades.
Thank you for your time Susann and I wish you all the best for the future!
If you’re interested in booking a second hand & vintage tour with Susann through Málaga, click here.
You will love it! 🙂
Susann’s Facebook